Feng Tay will suspend its Indian factories for 10 working days to keep its employees safe, the Nike-supplier told the Taiwan stock exchange Wednesday. It follows firms including Honda Motor Co. and Suzuki Motor Corp. that have announced similar decisions in recent days. Developer Godrej Properties Ltd. extended a long weekend by three days to offer its employees time “to heal.” The Lodha Group one of India’s biggest property companies will pay 12 months salary to the family of any of its associates who dies of Covid while in the service of the firm. Borosil Ltd. will pay two years worth of pay and support the education of the deceased’s children until they graduate.
Some companies in India are offering unusual assistance to employees.
Some companies in India are temporarily halting business or offering unusual assistance to employees as a devastating wave of the coronavirus sickens and kills hundreds of thousands.
Feng Tay will suspend its Indian factories for 10 working days to keep its employees safe, the Nike-supplier told the Taiwan stock exchange Wednesday. It follows firms including Honda Motor Co. and Suzuki Motor Corp. that have announced similar decisions in recent days.
Developer Godrej Properties Ltd. extended a long weekend by three days to offer its employees time to heal. The Lodha Group one of India s biggest property companies will pay 12 months salary to the family of any of its associates who dies of Covid while in the service of the firm. Borosil Ltd. will pay two years worth of pay and support the education of the deceased s children until they graduate.
Safety of the employees (Image: Pixabay) New Delhi : Some of the major companies in India are suspending their work by few days to offer unusual assistance to their employees during a devastating second wave, which has extremely impacted the nation.
According to a report by Mint, Feng Tay will suspend its Indian factories for 10 working days to keep its employees safe, the Nike-supplier told the Taiwan stock exchange Wednesday.
Companies like Honda Motor Co. and Suzuki Motor Corp. have also announced a similar decision to ensure safety of their employees.
Developer Godrej Properties Ltd. extended a long weekend by three days to offer its employees time “to heal. The Lodha Group one of India’s biggest property companies will pay 12 months salary to the family of any of its associates who dies of Covid while in the service of the firm. Borosil Ltd. will pay two years worth of pay and support the education of the deceased’s children until they graduate.
Covid-19 pandemic: Maruti Suzuki extends free service, warranty period for vehicle owners
For all the Maruti Suzuki passenger vehicles with free service and warranty period expiring between March 15, 2021, and May 31, 2021, both have now been extended till June 30, 2021.
Maruti Suzuki India has taken the decision in view of the Covid-19 pandemic.
In view of the Covid-19 pandemic, Maruti Suzuki India has extended the free service and warranty period for its passenger vehicle (PV) owners.
According to the automobile manufacturer, for all the Maruti Suzuki PVs with free service and warranty period expiring between March 15, 2021, and May 31, 2021, both have now been extended till June 30, 2021.